Welcome to Bear Creek High School Athletic/Activity Registration

Registration for Spring Sports is OPEN

SPRING 2025 SPORTS at Bear Creek include:

Golf (Girls)

Soccer (Girls)
Tennis (Girls)
Track & Field
Volleyball (Boys)


Boys Lacrosse is available at the following Jeffco Schools: Chatfield, Columbine, Dakota Ridge, Green Mountain, Lakewood

Girls Lacrosse is available at the following Jeffco Schools: Chatfield, Columbine, Dakota Ridge, Green Mountain

Boys Swim & Dive is available at the following Jeffco Schools: Chatfield, Columbine, D'Evelyn, Green Mountain, Lakewood

Boys Volleyball will start Monday, February 17 (register by 2/12)--this is on President's Day

All Other Sports at BC will start Monday, February 24 (register by 2/19)



*NOTE:  The Registration System is not mobile phone friendly. Use a computer/laptop to register. 


To begin the registration process you will need: 

1. Your student's Jeffco Student ID#

If your student does not have a Jeffco Student ID#, please contact Bear Creek's Athletics Office.

2. A picture or PDF of her/his current sports physical
Here is a Blank Physical Form you can take to your doctor


Payment of $185 per student is required for each sport

The $185 athletic fee will post to your student's Jeffco account after tryouts and final rosters are determined. The fee can then
be paid online through Infinite Campus or you can bring a check to Bear Creek's Financial Office.


You must contact Pam Simons, Athletic Assistant, within 15 days of the start of the season to have the fee removed if you decide not to participate. After 15 days, fees will not be removed from your student's account. For the Spring Sports Season, that date will be March 7 for Boys Volleyball and March 14 for all other sports.

Additional Information

  • If you have a current physical, it should still be in the system once you start filling out the steps in the registration.     
  • If you are a Non-Attender, please make sure you have filled out the Non-Attending form. Click here for the NON-ATTENDING FORM
  • Transfer and Foreign Exchange students should begin the process of transferring or participating at Bear Creek High School by contacting Bear Creek's Athletic Office at 303.982.8822 for more information.


(Click on the picture below to begin.)





If you have questions or need assistance with registration, please contact:


Pam Simons, Athletic Assistant
Phone: 303-982-8726
Zach Morris, Athletic Director
Phone: 303-982-8822